AA Cash Loans

About AA Cash Loans

Are you looking for a Cash Loan and live in or near Westonaria, Gauteng? AA Cash Loans is the choice for you!
For information on a variety of credit providers and loan options – read more about Loans.
A A Cash Loans is a registered South African credit provider. Their National Credit Regulator (NRC) Registration Number is NCRCP826.

Being NCR registered means that the company must comply with the National Credit Act (NCA) of 2005 and its amendments. Some of the stipulations of this are that, should you apply for a loan with them you will be subject to a credit check and affordability assessment.
To apply for a cash loan, you should be as the provide your SA ID, your Proof of Residence, and your latest Bank Statements and Payslips (usually about 3 of each).
Micro-lenders of this type typically perform soft credit checks, which are not as in-depth and time consuming as hard credit checks conducted by banks and other major credit providers. After only a short period, the applicant could be approved!

The amounts offered are usually of a few thousand to tens of thousands at the most. Payment should be almost instantly made into your account. You can then make use of the cash for whatever you needs, e.g. medical, groceries or anything else.
Repayment terms are usually short, only a few months not exceeding 1 year. The shorter the repayment period chosen, the better – as interest rates are high with unsecured instant cash loans, payday loans, etc.

Repayment is conveniently made by debit order on your account, most commonly set for your payday or soon thereafter.
To compare how much you can expect to pay in interest, use our Financial Calculator here.

CreditMoney also offers you Cash Loans too by working with an affiliate credit provider. Apply for an Instant Cash Loan here!

AA Cash Loans contact info:

AA Cash Loans: 30 Robyn Rd, Hillshaven, Westonaria, 1779, Gauteng, South Africa

Contact Details

Phone or Fax: 011 756 1399

Email: aacashloans@lantic.net

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