Boodle Quick Loans – Online Loan Application

When was the last time you’ve needed quick and easy access to cash? Maybe you wanted to jump at one time opportunity or needed it in case of an emergency. Well, there’s a new and exciting way of getting your hand onto funds whenever you need with Boodle. 

Boodle encourages its clients to utilize their offerings in order to seize the moment and does so through its smart and interactive platform. With the help of their friendly support team you will be able to get a loan with the greatest of ease. With short turnaround times on their application process, you get an easy and quick loan. 

How it works…

The Boodle personal loan calculator is available on their website and allows their customers to determine how they would like to structure there loan. Simply visit their website at and select the desired amount and the loan period. 

As a new customer you will be eligible to receive a loan amount of R3000, with recurring customers having access to R8000. Boodle incorporates an internal rating system, so their best rated customers are treated to even faster approval times with increasing loan amounts. You will also be given the option over the time frame you’d like until the time of repayment – up to 32 days. 

Boodle prides itself in transparency. As such it makes all the necessary disclosures to all of its clients and is compliant in terms of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005. In turn, you will be asked a few easy questions regarding who you are. Nothing to hectic, just one way of them getting to know their customers a better. 

Once your details have been verified and your application has been approved, you can expect to receive your cash within ten minutes. 

Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? 


Boodle is a modern solution to your financial and personal needs. They provide an efficient and reliable means of tapping into your financial independence. They also provide you with the added knowledge that you are considered as an individual and take your specific circumstances into account. Visit their website for more information regarding what to expect and how you can get your slice of the pie. 

Get started today and check out Boodle to create an account, so you may access all that they have to offer, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

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