Capitec Branch Code

What is the branch code for Capitec? The universal branch code for Capitec is 470010.
Today, finding the branch code while making online payments will no longer be a challenge for a number of Capitec clients.
For all your banking requirements, just use the Capitec branch code 470 010 and forget about branch names.

Locating the Capitec branch code

It is never simple to recall the branch code or name of the bank branch where an account was established. If you cannot recall the branch name but want it immediately, please utilize the Capitec branch finder, a very useful tool that will provide you with all the relevant information, including the branch code.

Here is an example of the results page for the Capitec branch finder.
As specified, the Capitec branch code is 470010, which is a globally unique identity that you may use for any Capitec financial service.

Here are the reasons why you should always use the universal code instead than the branch-specific code:

A Capitec branch code merely specifies a branch’s location. Each bank branch has a unique identifier that indicates its physical location.

In addition, the universal branch code is self-explanatory: UNIVERSAL. The code permits you to conduct transactions throughout the nation.

All major South African banks utilize the universal branch coding scheme, and each has a six-digit code that may be used for quick EFTs.

List of Capitec Branch Codes and Cities

According to our research, Capitec Bank clients are looking for branch codes in the following South African cities:

  • Mafikeng
  • Polokwane
  • Cape Town
  • Richards Bay

Moreover, we can affirm that 470010 is the unique branch code used by Capitec.

Capitec’s branch finder returns the same branch code regardless of where you enter your search criteria.

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