Edgars Account application

Account Protection is a prerequisite for applying for an Edgars account and is recommended for those who value their peace of mind.

Edgars Account application requirements

You have the option of either submitting an application for our Account Protection via Hollard or ceding your current insurance to us. After you have finished filling out the details for the Account Protection section, you will be sent to another page where you may finish filling out the application form for the Edgars Account.

Edgars card

Both in-store and online, you will have access to a vast universe of apparel, cosmetics, home furnishings, and other items. After submitting your application, you will immediately become a member of Edgars’s account community and will be granted access to a variety of premium perks at no additional charge.

You have the option of making a payment on your Edgars account using any of the following methods:

  • With a debit order, the amount of a payment and the due date that you specify are both automatically deducted from a bank account.
  • Send an email to edgarsenquiries@rcsgroup.co.za with the activation request, and we’ll take care of it for you (you will need proof of your bank details)
  • In the shop (please ensure you bring your Edgars Account card with you)
  • At an ATM
  • Via EasyPay
  • Through Electronic Funds Transfer, you may easily pay the necessary amount by providing your 10-digit account number.

Can you tell me the amount of the monthly cost that RCS deducts from my Edgars account?

R30 is the amount that is paid on a monthly basis as the Edgars Account service fee. RCS is not responsible for managing any of the other monthly Value-Added Service payments, such as those for the club or insurance, and RCS has no control in the amounts that are charged for these services.
edgars account

Edgars Account – Is it possible for me to check my available credit via USSD?

Yes, just follow these three simple actions on your mobile device:
How can I find out how much money is in my account? Simply carry out the following actions using your mobile device:

Simply enter your card number followed by *120*1430#.
By pressing the “answer” button, the USSD request will be sent.

Edgars Account Card queries:

  • Card of Account for Edgars
  • Credit enquiry | RCS | 0860 111 826
  • Credit inquiry (for customers who are not with RCS): contact Nimble at 087 250 5532 or email accounts@nimblegroup.co.za

Edgars account application sms number

Simply dial *120*1430*card-number#

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