Golden Pot Cash Loans operates in Pretoria. When your money is finished and you need cash immediately before the month ends you can trust Golden Pot Cash Loans to assist you with credit.
Golden Pot Cash Loans is a registered credit provider that focuses on pay day loans. Money can run dry unexpectedly during the month. The service at Golden Pot Cash Loans works to help you out of money troubles that can occur before your pay day. With experience in this field, it won’t be difficult for you to get a loan mid-month.
Golden Pot Cash Loans is well equipped to help you with loans of R1 000. Loans that are pay day. This type of loan is secured against your salary. You get the loan with the purpose of paying it back at the end of the month. The limit of this loan runs is for 30 days or less. Since the loan is R1 000 the interest is also moderate. You won’t be paying lots of interest on the loan. As mentioned before, it’s not uncommon for most working people to run out of salary cash during the month. Even a well-disciplined budget can face withdrawals due to cash demands that are not calculated into the monthly budget. Things like getting sick, losing a cellphone, Laptop stops working take cash out of your pocket. These small things can be a headache when you don’t have enough money to cover the mishap. Golden Pot Cash will loan you so that your life can continue to operate in a normal way.
- Fast services – you won’t stand in line for long hours.
- Repayments are 30 days – you won’t be stuck in debt.
- Follows NCA standards.
- Registered with the National Credit Regulator.
These are some of the benefits of getting a loan through Golden Pot Cash Loans.
When your application is successful it takes less than 24hours to get your cash. In some cases it is instant, you will have your cash immediately. For your application to be successful you must be at least 18 years and above. Your work statues must be full time. Your salary must be above the loan you request. You will have to produce the following documents.
- A South African Identity Document book or card.
- Provide up to date pay slips.
- A working cellphone number.
- Produce bank statements where your salary is deposited into – at least 3 month.
- A proof of residential address not older than 3 months.
To apply for credit is simple. You can use the loan as you please.
For more information on how to obtain a loan you can call Golden Pot Loans during office hours (9am – 5pm). A consultant will attend to your questions. You can visit the office and request a loan. Just remember to bring your documents with you. There will be no delays, you will get the loan.
Address 1
79 Sanniestr Hercules Pretoria West
Phone Number : 012 0040790
Address 2
David Diedricks Ave Eersterust
Phone Number: 012 0040791