When you start working you will start acquiring valuables that you simply can’t do without. A car, a house, a business, electronics and everything else that you will gradually acquire will be done so through hard work and sweat so imagine losing all of your belongings in just one day; pretty scary right? Well with MiWay Insurance you don’t have to imagine the unimaginable because with the company offers cover for all of your belongings to make sure that they can be easily replaced if ever stolen, broken, burnt or damaged in any way or form. Relax and be assured knowing that MiWay will take care of your precious belongings day in and day out.
About MiWay insurance
MiWay is an insurance provider in South Africa. The company has dedicated itself to ensuring that South Africans have access to not only good but great insurance products that are tailor made to suit their lifestyle. The company first opened its doors in 2008 and has grown exponentially since then. The company serves thousands of happy clients across South Africa with their one of a kind service delivery. Enjoy great benefits from this company as well as their innovative online platform that puts you in the captain’s seat for your finances.
MiWay insurance services and benefits
- Vehicle Insurance – Get flexible and affordable car insurance. The comprehensive car insurance is always a winner as it comes with great benefits such as free emergency roadside assistance as well as a take-me-home service just to mention a few. The bonus here is that you can fix your monthly instalments for the next 3 years and still get rewards in cash even if you make a claim.
- Home Insurance – Protect your house from damage that may be caused by fire, flooding, lightening, geyser bursts, hail or malicious damage when you take out home insurance with MiWay. The cover can even go as far as protecting homes with thatched roofing.
- Home Contents Insurance – You may be a home owner that leaves your home a lot due to a lot of traveling. Protect your home from theft when you are away through an extended theft cover. This type of insurance can include personal liability insurance as well as indemnification by damages caused by third parties.
- Portable Possessions Insurance – Cover all your goodies such as sunglasses, jewellery, laptops, cameras and wallets from theft or damage. Get cover for items that you travel with on a daily basis with MiWay’s insurance offers called Mimoveables and have the peace of mind in knowing that your personal belongings are covered.
Remember that in order to apply for you to get insurance from MiWay you will need to provide the following information:
- South African ID
- 3 months bank statement
- Recent payslip
- Proof of residence
- Be 18 years of age or above
- Be permanently employed by the same employer for more than 3 months
- Be in the possession of a South African bank account
Say goodbye to worry and say hello to peace of mind with the wonderful insurance packages that you can choose from with MiWay Insurance.
Contact Details
Tel: 0860 111 123
Web: www.miway.co.za
Email: info@miway.co.za