Kamela Quick Cash Loans realizes that you can list all items you need to buy for an event or crisis, only to find out that you don’t have enough cash. This does sometimes happen even to accountants.
Kamela Quick Cash Loans is a progressive credit provider. You will find loans that you can borrow with a peace of mind. The loan can be designed by you. If you have a budget and it runs out for an event, you can trust Kamela Quick Loans to be your partner. The staff works effectively all the time.
Kamela Quick Cash Loans offers short term loans from R1000 to personal loans up to R15 000. Interest rate is structured around the National Credit Act. Anything about the prescribed limits is not applicable to loans at Kamela Quick Cash. Short term loans payment are 30 days. For a personal loan you have more time to pay it back. You can actually ask for flexible terms of 12months or 18 months or more. Big loans have an benefit of covering big project or needs. You may be thinking of getting extra cash for a wedding. Another thing big loans can be used for is paying for education fees. At the end of the day cash loans have multiple cause of usage. There are no limits to what you can do with the loan from Kamela Quick Cash.
- Professional advice and guidance on the amount of loan.
- Quick loans to high end personal loans.
- Flexible repayments on big loan.
- Have cash in your bank account in about 24 hours.
- Registered with National Credit Regulator.
To qualify and receive a loan with the Kamela Quick Cash you need to be employed full time. Your monthly salary must be adequate to meet payment within the given time. Another important thing is your age, you must be 18 years or older to be successful. You must be living in South Africa and not planning to leave the country during payment. The information you give will be checked and go through a verification process. You will need the following documents upon application.
- A legit working cell phone number for contact purposes.
- A South African Identity Document (ID book or Card).
- Banking details, a bank account where your salary is deposited into.
- Last three months bank statements.
- Produce the latest pay slips.
- Have proof of residential address.
Kamela Quick Loans is a registered credit provider and follows the strict dictates of the National Credit Act.
For more information on how to apply for a loan. Even details on how the interest rate you will be paying you can call Kamela Quick Cash during office hours. Another option is to visit them on their given address. Have your documents ready when you apply for the loan. The friendly staff will assist you with all your questions.
211 Robert Sobukwe St, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa
Phone Number :+27 12 341 0706