When you are in need of a little bit of extra cash you should do yourself a huge favour and turn to Metrofin Cash Loans. A loan is not meant to scare you or to be viewed as a life sucking monstrosity. In fact a loan should be viewed as a helping hand to guide you through your rough financial circumstances and into a place of healthy financial standing and practices. Metrofin Cash Loans wants to assist you and so many other South Africans that are strapped for cash and need to attend a financial emergency immediately. Many South Africans simply don’t have cash lying around to meet any unforeseen circumstance and the budget just doesn’t seem to be capable of stretching far enough for most people; this is where a loan can be of great benefit to you.
About Metrofin Cash Loans
Metrofin is a financial services provider that assists people with obtaining loans for their financial wellbeing. The company has enjoyed great success throughout the years and has spread itself across South Africa by opening branches in many regions such as Randfontein, Pretoria, Krugersdorp, Rustenburg just to name a few. Many people have come to trust the services of Metrofin and that has been great for the company by giving it the confidence boost that it always needed to spread its wings across South Africa.
Metrofin Cash Loans benefits
- Quick an easy online applications
- Registered with the National Credit Regulator
- Competitive interest rates
- Get a cash loan of up to R8 000
- Confidentiality of your documentation and information
- Get approved within hours of submitting your application
- The money will be deposited into your account once approved
Metrofin Cash Loans services
Short Term Loans
A short term loan is a loan that is taken out with the knowledge that it will be paid back in full within 12 months or less. A short term loan usually consists of a small to medium sum of money which is great for meeting those pesky unforeseen expenses that always rear their head right before your budget runs dry. So if you need to attend to an expense that you never saw coming you can definitely do so with a short term loan from Mertofin.
Always make it priority to ensure that you have enough money in your bank account when the debit order date comes around. If you are struggling and can no longer pay the amount agreed upon then it is your responsibility to inform Metrofin so that they can work out a financial plan with you that will help you pay off the loan without leaving you strapped for cash. Being responsible with your loan is very important so that you can pay it in time and move on. Do not fall into the trap of giving a creditor the ability to blacklist you and so long as you are responsible with your payments then that will not happen to you. You can build a great credit score by simply being responsible with your loan.
Remember that you will need to provide the following information when applying for a loan:
- South African ID
- Proof of residence
- Recent payslip
- 3 months bank statement
- Be 18 years of age or above
Metrofin cash loans contact details
Web: http://metrofin.co.za/
589 Lois Ave
Tel: (012) 347-8153
Fax: (012) 347-5829
All Online Queries:
Contact no: 082 330 0204
Email: online@metrofin.co.za