Money Sure Cash Loans in Westonaria

About Money Sure Cash Loans

Need an Instant Cash Loan? Is Payday a few days too far away? Money Sure Cash Loans is a registered credit provider based in Westonaria, Gauteng. We have the solution for you!
As a registered credit provider according to the National Credit Regulator’s Online Directory, the trading name Money Sure is a trustworthy lender. The full company name under which it is registered is New Nation Cash Loans CC and it has the registration number: NCRCP385.

Money Sure offers two kinds of cash loans which are very similar, differentiated by the loan amounts and payback terms.
The first option, the Payday Loan or Instant Loan, is typically for lower amounts in the region of a few thousand Rand. This type of loan is repayable on or soon after your next payment date (when you expect to get your paycheck).

The second option is the Personal Loan. This loan usually covers larger amounts, in the tens of thousands of Rand. Payback terms are negotiable, usually spread over a few to several months not exceeding a year or so.
It should be noted that the longer the repayment terms chosen will mean higher interest costs in total. For short term loans of these kinds, which already have high interest rates, any decision to choose longer repayment terms should be considered seriously.

In any case, Money Sure Cash Loans have the ability to offer unsecured, short-term cash loans to customers with bad credit, quickly. And with a registered credit provider like this, the only consideration becomes high interest costs. What more could you ask for?
Make a Cash Loan Application now!

Visit the CreditMoney Loans Page for more information on short-term cash loan credit providers. Compare their interest rates with our Finance Calculator.


Visit the operational premises here:

92 Edwards Avenue, Westonaria, 1780,  Gauteng, South Africa

Money Sure Cash Loans Contact Details

Get in touch with Money Sure for help with how to apply their for Cash Loans.

Phone Number: 011 754 1370

And should they request your details, you can send them as follows…

Fax: 0117541371

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