A credit card is something that you may be thinking of getting but you may be a tad bit apprehensive. That’s pretty normal after all everyone should make sound financial decisions that will benefit them in the long run. A VISA Credit Card comes with a number of benefits created to make your financial endeavours easier and much more convenient for your peace of mind. You will get a wealth of services and benefits made available to you with just one click. If you are in the market for a new credit card then look no further than VISA.
Classic VISA credit cards
With the VISA Classic Credit Card you can enjoy worldwide acceptance which means that you can shop with your credit card from anywhere in the world and not have to worry about not being able to shop for your favourite things. You will also enjoy 24 hour global cash access so that you are never out of cash especially when you need it the most from all four corners of the earth. The Classic option will give you payment flexibility so that you can have control over your payments. You can apply for a supplementary card to give to a family member or a friend for the convenience of having two cards for the same account. You will have access to a host of banking channels to manage your money the way you want to; that’s how VISA puts you in control.
Gold VISA credit cards
The VISA Gold Credit Card is also accepted worldwide for your convenience and enjoyment so that you can have access to anything your heart desires no matter where you are in the world and that is one of the reasons that the VISA option has gained so much popularity across the world. The Gold option has higher salary multiples than that of the Classic option. You can go see an exclusive free movie premier as a perk from your Gold card. Enjoy protection for all of your purchases, free travel insurance as well as travel inconvenience benefits.
Platinum VISA credit cards
The VISA Platinum Credit is made for the successful individual with a zeal for all the good things in life. The credit card is jam packed with exclusive benefits that will compliment your affluent lifestyle. Enjoy your very own personalized services with accompanied with discounts and concierge benefits with access to travel, dining and hotel features. You will automatically be included in the rewards program and earn points as you spend on your Platinum Credit Card and redeem your points for a gift that you can choose from the treasures catalogue made available to you with the Platinum option. Enjoy more perks such as flight reservations, Pre-trip services, hotel reservations, Flowers and gift assistance, entertainment, zero loss reliability, global customer assistance and much more.
VISA credit cards Benefits
- InstaBuys
- Instant Loan
- 3D Secure Credit Card
- Online Banking
- Mobile Banking
- Electronic Statement
- SMS alerts
In order to apply for a VISA Credit Card you must supply the following:
- South African ID
- Recent Payslip
- 3 months bank statement
- Proof of payment